Cloth and Clef.
It used to be the only place where DJs weren't forced to play Akon's latest single. It used to be the only place where you could blast Fantastadon and the owner would say "Dude, kasi hantam lagiiiii!". It was the only place where you could party your knickers off, and people around you wouldn't care less, cos they're too busy getting wasted themselves and enjoying the night. It's small. It's loud. It's definitely hot. But all and all, it was the best place around.
It was truly a place to be.
And for short while, it was OUR home.
And now, we bid farewell to Cloth and Clef's gracious wooden floors for it has hosted some of the best and wildest electroklash parties Kuala Lumpur has ever known. The venue singlehandedly jumpstarted the whole electroklash scene and now, I see it blossoming at a rapid pace. And it all started here.
DANGERDISKO would love to express our heartflet gratitude to Ethaya, the friendly owner whom has given all of us a chance to party like there is no tomorrow. We can't wait for the new joint to pop out.
So I guess, until then, we're homeless, I guess?