Here are two perfect reasons why DAFT PUNK; DANGERDISKO's ultimate idols, are Gods in our eyes.
This is a trailer of a full length feature film: Daft Punk's Electroma The plot revolves around the quest of two robots (the band members, played by Peter Hurteau and Michael Reich) to become human. The music featured in this film is surprisingly not by Daft Punk. This is a first for the duo considering their previous film and home video releases, D.A.F.T. and Interstella 5555. .
This is a video for the radio edit of Harder Better Faster Stronger to promote the Alive 2007 album. It's made up of footage from various sources; mostly from the Coachellla forums. It is way better than the original video. I fucking shed tears during 3.15-3.20. Only one word to describe it: EPIC.
So as a present for all of you DANGERDISKOTEERS, here is DAFT PUNK The Game. This is a fantastic game for all you Ed Banger freaks out there. Justice has stolen Daft Punk's (you) samples. And Daft Punk(you again) have to get them back by collecting them and points and killing obnoxious fans. When you combo it does the lyrics of harder better - and when die - it says "Over."

In other words its freakin awesome guys -have fun!
Robotron 5000
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